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Monday, June 13, 2022

Come Sunday at Netflix and Universal Reconciliation Connection to Pride Month

 I saw a movie in netflix entitled "come sunday". I realized it was about an influential preacher named Carlton Pearson, who was among the ones who teach universal reconciliation or universalism as he claimed that God spoke to him telling him that there is no hell. For him, a god who sends people to hell is a monster. And clearly this is false teaching. God is holy and just and He cannot be mocked.

This "pride month", such teaching of universal reconciliation has been an escape for many gay people from the truth. Most of them think that God loves ALL and so God saves ALL.... I'd say I don't believe so. God died for all but only those who accept Him and what He has done on the cross will be saved (John 3:16, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 10:9). And remember too that the context is not about the superficial declaration or confession about Jesus' Lordship in your life alone but the whole picture of your word and action is specifically reckoned with. 

Not everyone is a child of God (John 1:12). If you are gay and you believe that you are a child of God, think again because if you are, you will follow Him and you know Him or at least continuously seeking Him and His Word.

Now if you may listen, I'd like to present you the truth with love...

When a person who is same-sex attracted and gives in to the temptation, he/she sins against God ( 1 Corinthians 6:9–10, Leviticus 20:13...) This is the same thing when a married man looks at another woman or the other way around. For worse, it's being in a sexual relationship with someone who is not your husband or wife.

Christian marriage is sacred as God gives so much value to the union between a man and a woman. Nonetheless, if you find yourself into such sin, there is still hope because God wants you to get back to Him as He never desires you to end up with an unrepentant heart. 

I have gay friends and I don't hate them. And because I love them, I want them to know this truth. If you are gay, know that you are not condemned for who you are. What you go through is tough and I salute you for being so strong up to this day. But my friend, you got to surrender the wrong desires just like how non-gay people have to surrender the sinful desires too. And I hope you also get to know that the truth about the rainbow is NOT about that certain pride that this world is teaching. That colorful arc in the clouds is a constant reminder of God's Noahic covenant, which was about God's restoration of His creation, reaffirming His image in humanity and the cultural mandate. 

All of us are created in His image but sin has blemished such image. That is why we all need Jesus Christ whose blood washed away sins to cleanse us, to restore what was lost. Jesus is the way, He is the only way. Once you let Jesus in to your life, all these things will be clear especially looking at sin, the true sins that truly disgust Him.

If you truly love God, you will live a life that is pleasing to Him. Well you may say that if God loves you, He will let you be you and have you freed to do what you want to do. In that sense, aren't you making yourself superior to God? Who is God to you then? You are not the master, He is. You don't know everything, He does. Raise your white flag my friend. 

I love you and He loves you too. Seek Him.

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