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Monday, August 17, 2015

The Noise of the World and the Jolt in the Bone

There are many times that I get tired of the noises both in the real world and the virtual universe. The business of all creatures and the consequences of all works are quite overwhelming. There are so many likes and dislikes and discontentment is outrageously rampant. Too many thirsty and hungry self-centered individuals cry and shout out, "i don't have enough". Truly, discontenment is infinite. Nothing is new, all things are obsolete just a little later.

These and more are the reasons why there are times that I just want to shut the world in front of me and wonder about God's thoughts toward these noises.

I feel ashamed of my own world when I imagine God in front of me. But I know His faithfulness to those who remain in Him is as wide as from the east up to the west and His love endures forever, and His grace knows no bounds. But hey, He is just. All the  "jammed sounds" of all generations will be dealt by Him in His appointed time.

I pray that all of us will be ready on that day.
