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Thursday, February 4, 2010

James – Chapter 5

February 3, 2010

Being Wise With Wealth

Chapter 5 of James is about handling wealth. This Chapter does not condemn our desire to be rich and prosperous but it definitely condemn the mismanagement and abuse of wealth.

“Do not hoard it..” – v-3 God doesn’t want us to collect wealth and see piles of them for the sake of satisfying our eyes with the richness we have produced. That’s silly and selfish. God doesn’t have anything against being wealthy, He is against our intent to love wealth, which is dangerous.

All material things that make a person wealthy can fade away in time. “Your wealth had rotted, moths have eaten your clothes, and your gold and silver corroded.” V.2-3.
What good can it give if we just hoard wealth just to satisfy our selfish desires?

We can have money, but don’t let money manipulate us. We need to learn how to manipulate money. We work for it and we should not waste it. Do not just spend it selfishly for ourselves. “You have fattened yourselves for the day of slaughter.” V.5 There are many people and most especially, churches, that need financial help.

Fact: 800 million people are malnourished, 1 billion are overweight.. Just imagine how selfish most people are.

James – Chapter 4

February 3, 2010

Avoiding Arguments
Managing Conflicts

Chapter 4 of James teaches us how to handle or as much as possible AVOID arguments. It is still about being responsible with what we say and act.

Conflict-one of the main things talked about in chapter 4, should be handled properly. It is a natural thing in this world and we obviously cannot control or prevent it. I remember Rick Warren saying in PDL, “sometimes we need to create conflict” so as to solve a problem. The important thing about it is that we will need to learn how to manipulate conflict and not the other way around.

Conflicts are often created due to our different desires and most likely, they become worse due to the prevalence of evil desires of people. “You want what you don’t have..” v-2 “You long for what others have..”. We tend to move around and try to control things so that our desires are satisfied. James rebuked us for doing these.

PRIDE- James emphasized our natural desire to impress, which also leads to conflicts. Most of us think that we can do things on our own, but often, we just end up frustrated. “You do not have, because you ask with wrong motives..” We need to learn how to ask God for things not in a selfish way.

BCCL, Legazpi
General Epistles
submitted to Ptr.Greg Evans