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Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Distorted Principles of the Kingdom Power in the Theology of Prosperity Gospel

This was a paper I wrote for the subject "Kingdom of God" at WTCS. Hope this will be of help to you. :)



We have heard stories like when preachers just ask the congregation to lift up their wallets to claim the financial blessings of God or waving their passports in the air claiming the travel provisions of God or even their handkerchiefs to use them for healing purposes. There is a sense of great faith in such gestures but when do we say that things being preached behind the pulpit are already not Biblical anymore?

The volume of contemporary prosperity preachers in the world is on the rise. Hence, genuine Christians should be all the more vigilant to preach and teach sound doctrines in light of the Bible in order not to take multitudes into deception. Among the over emphasized matters in the prosperity teachings today is about the Kingdom of God, particularly presenting half-truth about the Kingdom Power. God’s power to love, show providence and mercy alone is dangerous since half of the truth, which is God’s power to exercise justice, is well forgotten. With this, many are being led astray and end up worshipping a different God, very far from the God of the Bible.

Kingdom Power in the Eye of Contemporary Prosperity Teachers


Spiritual leaders namely E. W. Kenyon, Oral Roberts, A. A. Allen, Robert Tilton, T. L. Osborn, Joel Osteen, Kenneth Hagin, Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland, and Oprah are just some of the popular prosperity icons being castigated in the Christian world today.   Some spiritual leaders like Joyce Meyer and Benny Hinn recently released their statement of correction to their own hyper-grace theology and we hope and pray that such turnaround will awaken others too. In my country, the most recent prosperity teachers being celebrated by their followers were the FIJ church pastors[1], Apollo Quiboloy, and Bo Sanchez. Most of their teachings are putting spotlight on the grace and love of God without preaching about hell or in case they do, they stress its inexistence.[2] Some prosperity teachings that they also promote involve the elimination of all the negative things in life and just focus on the positive things through the power of God because these will make us look younger and stronger and most especially, “blessed” in the world’s perspective.[3] And all these should start in the mind but not to a point of setting the center of everything on ourselves and what we want because that will be humanism.[4] Yes, most of them claim that they are against humanism but ironically leading many to humanist lifestyle.

A lot of the prosperity gospel teachers today will deny being called as such and will argue that they are teaching just according to what the Bible says. If we try listening to what they teach, it is all very pleasing to the ear of someone who is constantly facing problems and sorrow in life. And they are quoting things well from the Bible. Nonetheless again, they are preaching just half of the truth, stressing God’s love over and over without teaching about the truth about His righteousness and power in light of His justice. I would say, half-truth is a lie. We are then to extinguish such in order not to corrupt the churches today and call out the false teachers.[5]

Matthew 7:15: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.”

Acts 20:28–29 when he said, “Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. . . . I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing...”

Summary of the Orthodox Reformed Position About Kingdom Power


            Vos points that Jesus’ ministry was the start of shifting the center of gravity from God to man, since the Jews had lost the sense for this. That is due to the expectation of the coming king exactly opposite of how Jesus arrived.[6]

Jesus inaugurated the kingdom with power, teaching that the bondage of sins and the enemy are to be broken. This involved miracles such as feeding the thousands and healing multitudes from their sickness. Vos stressed that these “signs of the times are nothing else than the miraculous works which prove the kingdom to be there. The forces which will revolutionize heaven and earth are already at work..”[7] Sadly, the understanding of this truth is distorted by prosperity leaders and followers today.

The interpretation of the Kingdom power in prosperity teachings becomes superficial, emphasizing on the enjoyment of God’s blessings here on earth without looking forward to the final consummation which Jesus reiterated in His teachings. Like the Jews, some focus on the kingdom power as a gift, which is true, but the problem is what is being ignored, that is the supreme object of worship- God. The gift over the giver, so to speak.

The kingdom power, intertwined with kingdom righteousness and kingdom blessedness,[8] is to be seen as God’s element for His kingship. Never to be used to glorify man but solely to celebrate God’s rule over all creations. And the Church, according to Snyder, is the “primary point of entry of the new order of the kingdom into present history.”[9] Hence the Church is to become an agent of the kingdom on earth in the present order but nevertheless in a fundamental way the sacrament and sign of the kingdom in today’s world.[10] It is to embody the different dimensions of our communal life as followers of Jesus as we represent God, being His body growing organically as we approach the Parousia.[11]

Vos says, “.. the kingship of Christ is equivalent to the process of subjecting one enemy after another..”  Jesus overcome evil, He conquered death, and assures us of the victory ahead in the final consummation. This is His whole point of having the kingdom-power manifested. 

As Jesus introduces us to the end that is to come, we are oriented to God’s righteousness, which is “always taken by Jesus in specific sense which it obtains from the references to God as Lawgiver and Judge.”[12] God will judge the world and as the Lawgiver, it means that some are predestined to comply while some are not. And reckoning with God’s righteousness, one will be rewarded according to the choices made on earth. Although Vos did not explicitly talk about hell and only stressed on the side of the righteous ones, it is apparent that there is a moral conduct that when broken, negative reward is resulted and the ultimate destination is eternal separation from God.

On another note, Vos pointed that Christians should be aware of losing focus on the Lawgiver, not too much emphasis on His miracles, moral codes, and so forth, as the Jews deified the laws back in history. Jesus did not like it and continually stressing in His ministry that the priority is God’s glory and not our convenience or enjoyment. It is important to see that the supreme motive for obedience to God is not out of self-centeredness.[13]

Calvin defines lawful worship of God as the one whose chief foundation is to acknowledge Him just as He is - "the only source of all virtue, righteousness, holiness, wisdom, truth, power, goodness, mercy, life, and salvation.."[14], assigning all glory entirely to Him. “The kingdom centers in Jesus and the coming of the kingdom in its fullness on earth still hinges on faith in Jesus and obedience to His word..”[15] This is to be preached to the ends of the earth.

The church, according to Snyder, raises signs of the kingdom when it is genuinely faithful to the good news as per the Scripture and in Jesus Christ.[16] “When the church effectively and authentically combines her evangelistic and prophetic witness within a vision of the kingdom, these forms of church life and ministry point to the reality of God’s kingdom.”[17] Hence the church is to keep Jesus as the primary need and focus of the church and not the miracles and power, because all these will just be added unto us when we seek God first, Matthew 6:33.

Biblical References About Kingdom Power


Acts 1:7–8 says that “It is not for you to know the times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Many Pentecostals today stresses this kingdom-power, mentioned in Acts 1:7-8, bestowed to the Church through the baptism of the Holy Spirit as supported by Acts 2:4, where the “glossolalia” is the initial physical evidence. Nonetheless, such “Pentecostal gift” is claimed to be a separate gift of the Spirit from saving faith as per some Pentecostal scholars who based their theology from Lukan pneumatology.[18]

When it comes to miracles, we can note innumerable accounts from Jesus’ ministry such as what is said in Luke 11:20, “If I cast out demons with the finger of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you”. And many charismatic leaders use these to support their healing ministries and again crossing the border of extremism.

The kingdom power in the Kingdom of God is not just limited to the miracles and gifts through the Holy Spirit but in totality, the rule of God in everything, even over sufferings and death, “For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son..” Colossians 1:13. The Church has become an agent of God to proclaim this victory on the cross and surely not to become a playground for magical healing and enchanted provisions.

Practical Application


We do not limit God and His kingdom power in the visible kingdom that Jesus has established. But we all need to be careful in handling His truth because with any unsound theology, multitudes may be caused to stumble. We are to speak and act according to what God wants us to be since our direction is heavenward, where our true home is.

Philippians 3:20, But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. John Calvin said it is the task of the church to make the invisible kingdom visible. This is done through living in such a way that we bear witness to the reality of the kingship of Christ in everything we do whether in our studies, jobs, family, ministry and so forth. Christ is King over every one of these spheres of life and this is manifested by the way we live as citizens of heaven and subjects of the King. The Holy Spirit delights in our hearts that are surrendered for obedience and deference to His will and that the fear and love for God reign in our hearts, where His throne is.[19][20]

In the ministries that the Lord has entrusted to me, I will try my best not to miss the mark. That the Kingdom of God is here and is yet to come. That the Kingdom of God is not a show for entertainment nor any magical stage for our self-centered amazement. It is an inward and outward realm where God rules and is to be solely glorified. Nevertheless, we do not mean that there will be no miracles in the church anymore. Of course, there will be a lot. But this is to be understood that God allows miracles to happen for His sole purpose, which is for His glory that will result to the advancement of His Kingdom until the final consummation.






John Calvin. The Necessity of Reforming the Church. Ligonier Ministries. Indiana. 2020.


W. Menzies, et.al. Spirit and Power. Michigan. Zondervan. 2000.


J. Meyer, Power Thoughts: 12 Strategies to Win the Battle of the Mind, FaithWords Publishing, 2010.


J. Osteen, Empty out the negative,  p.2. FaithWords Publishing, 2020.


H. Snyder. Kingdom, Church, and World. Oregon. Wipf & Stock.2001.


Geerhardus Vos. The Teaching of Jesus Concerning The Kingdom of God and the Church. Place of publication not identified: Fontes Press, 2017.







[1] Ps. Arnel Cadelina recently posted in social media his sentiment about Christian leaders castigating him for his recent proposal that there is no hell and that God is too good to send anyone to hell and suffer. He underscored too much about “grace wins”. https://www.facebook.com/606011042765270/posts/4163595383673467/

[2] Pastor Arnel Cadelina presented his exegesis about the hell that Jesus was talking about as the Gahena, which is not to be interpreted as the hell in the final consummation. https://fb.watch/4S5ddIJe0g/

[3] J. Osteen, “Empty out the negative”,  p.2. FaithWords Publishing, 2020. "God promises that if we make room (for positive things), He will not only fill us with good thigs, but He will keep us young and strong.."

[4] J. Meyer, "Power Thoughts: 12 Strategies to Win the Battle of the Mind", FaithWords Publishing, 2010. “Let me be clear that I am not saying that we can think into existence anything that we want. That view of the power of thoughts is a form of humanism, which is an ungodly philosophy.”

[5] John Piper gives Five Factors for Calling Out False Teachers: https://www.desiringgod.org/interviews/should-we-call-out-false-teachers-or-ignore-them

[6] Geerhardus Vos. The Teaching of Jesus Concerning The Kingdom of God and the Church. Place of publication not identified: Fontes Press, 2017. P.44.

[7] Ibid. p.47.

[8] Ibid. p.46.

[9] H. Snyder. Kingdom, Church, and World. Oregon. Wipf & Stock.2001. p.81.


[10] Ibid.

[11] Ibid.p.82.

[12] Vos.p.54.

[13] Vos.p.55.

[14] John Calvin. The Necessity of Reforming the Church. Ligonier Ministries. Indiana. 2020. p.6.

[15] H. Snyder. p.72.

[16] Ibid..p89.

[17] Ibid.

[18] W. Menzies, et.al. Spirit and Power. Michigan. Zondervan. 2000. P.121-132.

[19] Calvin. p.7.


[20]  Luke 17: 20-21, “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’ For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst.”

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