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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Genesis 1-3

Important notes in Genesis 1-3:

Genesis 1

First day: Light is commanded to appear ("Let there be light!") The light is divided from the darkness, and they are named "day" and "night".[Gen 1:3]

Second day: God makes a firmament ("Let a firmament be...!")—the second command—to divide the waters above from the waters below. The firmament is named "skies".[Gen 1:6–7]

Third day: God commands the waters below to be gathered together in one place, and dry land to appear (the third command)."earth" and "sea" are named. God commands the earth to bring forth grass, plants, and fruit-bearing trees (the fourth command).[Gen 1:9–10]

Fourth day: God puts lights in the firmament (the fifth command) to separate light from darkness and to mark days, seasons and years. Two great lights are made to appear (most likely the Sun and Moon, but not named), and the stars.[Gen 1:14–15]

Fifth day: God commands the sea to "teem with living creatures", and birds to fly across the heavens (sixth command) He creates birds and sea creatures, and commands them to be fruitful and multiply.[Gen 1:20–21]

Sixth day: God commands the land to bring forth living creatures (seventh command);[Gen 1:24–25] He makes wild beasts, livestock and reptiles. He then creates humanity in His "image" and "likeness" (eighth command). They are commanded to "be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it." The totality of creation is described by God as "very good."[Gen 1:26–28]

Seventh day: "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them." God, having completed the heavens and the earth, rests from His work, and blesses and sanctifies the seventh day.[Gen 2:1–3]


God made man in His own image. verse 27

Genesis 2
Adam and Eve

Genesis 3

The Fall

21 The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.

For me this is the best verse. I have felt God's amazing grace to us.
Even if we have done so much pain and failure in His eyes, He still clothe us from
our nakedness. In this verse, I have seen His being Father to me. I know, for how much
pain I have caused Him, He still reaches out and cares about my needs. :(

Amazing God. Amazing Love. Amazing Kindess.

How Great my God is!


'Tears of joy'

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